Along coming home today.It's been a month ago since he left for his new job in London,Ontario,and I can't believe that I missing him so much.
Anyway,me and Adryan to plan to celebrate Aril's arrival with his invention--Paprik Pizza.Of course his famous dishes,i bold it,famous dishes when he worked as a cook near town,has now become legend.Unfortunately,people in that restaurant were dissapointed--when Aril resigns and continue his study in mechanical engineering.
1 package active dry yeast (about 2 teaspoons)
1 cup warm water
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
pinch salt
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 to 2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
300grams of chicken meat/squid/prawn
4 slices of garlic
3 lemon grasses,sliced
5 kaffir lime leaves(it's limau purut in Malay)
1 teaspoon of oyster sauce
4 teaspoons of soy sauce
Long beans
Cooking oil
Eyebird Chilli(cili padi)
Heat cooking oil and fry garlic and eyebird chillies.
Then,put chicken meat,soy sauce,oyster sauce and a little bit of tomato sauce.
After mixing them together,put kaffir lime leaves and lemon grass.
Mix it with vegetables,and salt.
Meanwhile,Add yeast to the water and stir until dissolved. Add sugar, oil, flour, and salt. Set mixing bowl filled with dough in warm water for 5 minutes to rise. Pat dough out on a well-greased pizza pan or cookie sheet.
And pour paprik at the top of pizza before put some grated mozarella cheese on top.
Layer toppings on dough in order listed. Bake at 400° for 15 to 20 minutes.
macam sedap je
tapi i takde masa la nak buat
eh pic pizza tu memang pizza yang u buat ke?
bukan la sue..
pizza tu gambar hiasan.
belum buat lagi hik hik!
yup sarah it's yummy!
wah sedapnyaa
i suka makan nasi goreng paprik daging
paprik pon ada pizza eh
nizam..ni resipi aril..you tanya la dia sendiri..hik hik!
semalam buat x sepower dia jugak la..isshh!
wah pandai jugak aril memasak eh
dia punya apa rasa dgn u punya?
dah meleleh air liur tgk gambar..
rupe2nya sekadar gambar hiasan...
nanti kalau buat lebih, courier ke nami. kesian makan maggi je
Ada bukak kedai jual pizza ke?Kalau da bila nak buat cawangan di Malaysia?
Nyzm:Aril you cakap dia tak pandai masak?Tolong la..satu je masakan dia out,kalau masak tomyam..minyak sekati..yang lain sebenarnya ok..
razor:tak boleh la razor,kalau post nanti posmen yang makan dulu hik hik!
pria lembayung:tak nak la bukak cawangan-cawangan..bunyi macam awang-awangan je..hik hik!
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