Saturday, January 24, 2009

Enough With Boycotting.

After reading the depressed tone of Hafiz in FOB,it's a same feeling I had when I read a Venezuelan Hugo Perez about my entry about Hugo Chavez.For Venezuela I will discuss later,and gather some information about it,meanwhile...

I can feel the discontent of Hafiz about Barry Obama's administration.And perhaps his scope about Muslim world especially Palestine has been oppressed by Israeli,but is that Israel is the only country who--oppressing Palestine?Egypt is the one who closing it's border gate for humanitarian,while Jordan authority will always presuming that Palestinian refugees were illegal immigrants.Whole Arab countries are also Zionist.You'll know how many billions these Zionist companies invested in oil refining,and building oil and gas pipe in Middle East.How many billions these Zionist companies invest in real estate and finances?These Arabs were also Zionist.

Now,to answer your question,one fact that my friend Nami answered in FOB is that,Barack Obama is US President.Zionist companies are the backbone of US economy.So,don't expect Barack Obama will remove his support towards Zionist because it's a backbone of economy.

I also like his answer about how Muslim actually loves to play the blame game,and boycotting "so-called" Zionist products are "small jihad"--well,the question that I want to ask you--are you really boycotting?

Intel Incorporated is a Zionist supporter,but how many from you guys want to remove that processor from your computer?Shell is Zionist supporter,but how many from you willingly to use solar-panel cars?And how many from you really boycotting Nestle products?I bet all of you guys still can't leave your life with Milo,Nescafe,Neslac,Coco Crunch etc.

I also believe that "so-called" Zionist products is not the only products that we should be boycotted,as a humanitarian effort to against Israeli aggression against Gaza,but how about Chinese military in Tibet and Uighur?I'm glad Nami mentioned about it too.I personally forbid myself to watch or buy any items from China,and I'm actually loves to collecting merchandise from big sports event--such as Olympics,FIFA World Cup,or Commonwealth Games--but I didn't buy anything from Beijing 2008.I don't even watch the whole games.And I don't use anything "Made Of China" products.

But if I'm saying I boycotting these Zionist products,perhaps I won't use my computers again.I won't watching tv and I don't even bath with my Camomile Johnson and Johnson bathcare.

Let me tell you frank,those people who asking Muslim to boycott these so called Zionist products are the Muslim businessman who failed to penetrate businesses from society.They are failed to compete with these "so called" Zionist products.I knew some of Muslims toothpaste products trying to beat Colgate by saying "our toothpaste is halal".It's just a toothpaste,who cares?If these toothpaste is unhalal,so,what it is?Pork?Pork in toothpaste?Give me a break.These Muslim entrepreneurs need to be "a little bit more creative" rather than just asking people to boycotting these products.

All of you seems despise with Jew,despite all of you didn't noticed that from Ishak a.s to Isa a.s were Jews.Albert Einstein is Jew,but we still use his relativity theory.

And if you think that only United States the only country in the world supporting Zionist,no,because Great Britain also supports them,the whole European Union,Japan,South Korea,Russia,all of them supports Zionist.

So start boycotting your supermarket,if you really serious.Start to boycott your own PC and stop watching TV guys!


Ahmad Deniel said...

"Let me tell you frank,those people who asking Muslim to boycott these so called Zionist products are the Muslim businessman who failed to penetrate businesses from society."

yang ni saya kurang setujulah..Aku saya sendiri ada menyarankan kpd rakan2 untuk boikot, dan di masa yg sama saya tak pernha pulak menjadi, i think teori ini tk boleh digunakan secara 'mutlak'dan diasaskan kpd semua tindakan muslim untuk menidakkan tindakan boikot oleh muslim pada hari ini..Jawapan kpd boikot itu saya kira sudah diperbincangkan dengan panjang lebar seblm ini oleg saya dan rakan-rakan..

soal kalau nak boikot, hentikan penggunaan pc, Tv yang sedia ada dan sebagainya, saya kira bukan begitu maksud boikot yang cuba dilakukan oleh muslim pada hari ini.Kita lbh menjerumus kpd keperluan2 yang akan kita guna pada masa ini..Maksudnya yang akan diguna,dimakan dan sbgainya..Kalau yang sudah ada itu biarlah..Kita tidak juga melhat tinadakan boikot ini sampai ketahap 'menyusahkan' kita pulak..Tetapi seperti yang kita bincangkan sblm ini, lbh kepada bentuk 'luahan perasaa' rasa tidak puas hati dan kesal terhadap tindakan israel sblm ini..

Memang kelihatan mcm 'hipokrit' dlm soal ini..cp nak boikot, tp still juga ada guna barnag2 dari syarikat ini. Disinilah kita memerlukan pertimbangan yang wajar dlm menentukan mana yg patut dan tidak.. Terpulang kpd Masyarakat sendiri untuk menentukan cara bagaiamana mereka 'menyuarakan ' rasa tidak puas hati mereka,rasa sedih dan kesal mereka kpd israel..Terpulang..Boikot adalah salah satu cara yang jelas dpt dilakukan dlm erti keupayaan masyarakat biasa..Mungkin tidak tergapai cara2 yang maha dewa seperti ala diplomasi,keawangan,ketenteraan dan sebagainya..

Anonymous said...

betul...hahaha...boycott sgt konon sudahla....