Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Islam Liberal.

First for all,I would like to congratulate my neighbor--United States of America--for receiving their new President,Barack Obama.Hopefully the relationship between Ottawa and Washington be more friendlier--hopefully.

Anyway,among the bloggers came here and telling me about hudud etc,one phrase makes me curious--it's Islam Liberal.I never heard this phrase before,perhaps since 2005 I left Malaysia and to be honest--I never heard of this phrase before.

Correct me if I'm wrong--Islam Liberal is something like--you're Muslim,but you're free thinker,or Muslim In Name Only.Whatever it is,this phrase is for me,distorting.

Let me copy from dictionary what is meaning of liberal.

 /ˈlɪbərəl, ˈlɪbrəl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl] Show IPA Pronunciation
favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
(often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.
given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.
not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.
of, pertaining to, or based on the liberal arts.
of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.–noun
a person of liberal principles or views, esp. in politics or religion.
(often initial capital letter) a member of a liberal party in politics, esp. of the Liberal party in Great Britain.

Origin: 1325–75; ME freedom, befitting the free, equiv. to līber free + -ālis

So,what is wrong to befitting the free,and fight for freedom?What is wrong to be open minded and tolerant?What is wrong to be free from prejudice and bigotry?

The person describes me Islam Liberal is like horrible,condemned words,and we should avoid it from your mind.Are you telling me that if you want to be a good Muslim,you have to be CONSERVATIVE?

Now,don't tell me liberal and conservatives are not teachings in Islam.It's a basic point of view,regardless what religion you are,or race.My brother is quite conservative,I'm quite liberal,my dad is open minded,considers as liberal--it's just a point of view.

OK,put it this way--let's say about emancipation.Women emancipation is a major role in Islam.In Quran there's a lot mentioning about women emancipation.There's a verse called An-Nisa means women.Now that's liberalism.In Quran it's mentioned about liberation from slavery,now that's liberalism.And from this point--I don't see there's nothing wrong with "liberal" word.

Now,to discuss about this word,you have to think like a knife.If we think knife is a tool,then it's helpful.If you think knife as a weapon,that's a dangerous part.

If all of my friends here thinking that "Islam Liberal" is a phrase for Muslim In Name Only,then I don't want to be like that.We must hold our religion deep inside our heart.But Islam is a religion of peace,religion of freedom and religion that against prejudice and bigotry.Then Islam is already--a liberal religion.It should be like that.We mentioned about women emancipation,against slavery,and so on.

You must remember in liberal there's also a law.It's no such thing as no law--it's not liberalism,it's anarchism.I don't believe in anarchy,where is no God,no law,and you're free as free as you want.Religion is a guidance,a path for us to improve ourselves--to be a better person.

I'm not an anarchist.I am a liberalist.

In Islam we uphold human rights,we take care of our prisoners of war carefully--that's liberal.

Unless you've been surrounded by CONSERVATIVES,then I can't help you to describe what is meaning to be a liberal person.

George W. Bush is a conservative person.Stephen Harper is a conservative person.Ehud Olmert is also a conservative person.Are you part of them?


We should showing to others that our religion is the one that bring human rights and justice in the right path.We should be the example--to be better religion for a better person.

Instead we always like to punish rather than TEACHING."If you do this then you will be condemned,don't go that way,don't leave this way.."

You can't plant a tree just like that.You need to water your tree,treat it well,a bit of fertilizer,then you will get a fruitful tree.

"Life is all about discovery.You cannot discover something if you stay the same way,from baby until you die--it's a learning process."-My dad.

Reform means change.In Islam we also talk about change--hijrah.That's why our Prophet went to Madinah--to reform.

Islam Liberal is a definitely different than Muslim In Name Only.This MINO people are poseurs in Islam.And I believe Islam is religion of peace,freedom and liberty--something that liberal people adores the ideas to be free.


Cob Nobbler said...

Sebenarnya they all ni salah definisi,bukannya apa pun.

Sape nak jadi MINO?MINO tu serupa tak payah jadi Islam.

Islam itu liberal agamanya.Kalau tak liberal,kenapa ada surah Al-Kafiruun.

Islam itu liberal agamanya,kalau tak liberal,kenapa ada surah An-Nisa?

Yang tak liberalnya ialah penganutnya.Mindset yang suka pack kan satu fahaman dalam satu bentuk.Kalau acuan dia bulat,maka bulat la,tak boleh petak atau tiga segi.Macam mana sekalipun,kalau tepung gandum campur gula campur margerin,bentuk macam mana pun rasa dia sama gak.

Jangan campur tepung beras dah la,rasa dah lain.

Kalau nak simpulkan semua ayat-ayat di atas jadi satu perkataan,senang je - rigid.

Ez the Conspirator said...

Kalau Islam itu rigid,dah lama tak berkembang Islam tu.Islam tu liberal,kan Nami?

Kadang-kadang isu macam ubat gigi pun nak jadi isu..kadang2 I rasa orang-orang Melayu ni lebih sudu dari kuah.They all suka buat interpretation sendiri,bukan nak refer-refer.

I dulu pernah kena sound dengan ustazah,kenapa nama Ezreen Emira?Nama takde maksud Islam,I slam dia balik,I cakap la,"Habis tu beratus-ratus juta nama orang Indonesia yang Islam takde maksud Islam pun?Beratus-ratus juta nama orang di Kazakhtan tu takde pun nama maksud Islam.Kalau Indonesia nama Budi Hartono,Citra Sasmi,kalau Kazakhtan Abrimov,Sharimov etc.Now tell me ustazah,Islam ni nak mengarabkan orang ke?"

Hello kat Arab pun ada yang Kristian,contoh macam kawan I George tu..

RY said...


saya ambil masa 58 jam nak khatam entry e.

nyway, stuju nami.



hye ezreen :)
hope sihat yer..

islam liberal..

hmmm..i rasa ini lbh kpd salah faham dari sudut tafsiran..

islam liberal,islam hadhari,apa jenis lagi nak letak,letaklah..

betul kata u, islam itu liberal..betul islam itu liberal, kalau yang dimaksudkan liberal di sini, ialah liberal yang membawa islam itu universal..islam yang bukan seperti dibawa oleh nabi kita..islam yang mencakupi segala skop kehidupan..segalanya..islam seperi kata nabi bahawa islam itu adalah agama yang tidak membawa kepada kebinasaan, ttp adalah agama yang membawa rahmat dan kesejahteraan..Kesejateraan dari segenap hidup manusia..tak kira zaman ,waktu dan bangsa serta agama..

cuma manusia zaman ini meilihat dan mengatakn kelompok islam liberal sebagai kelompok mcm u kata tadi..nama sahaja.. Ini soal orng yang memberi gelaran itu..Ttp yang paling penting islam itu adalah 'corak' dan pakaian kehidupan..ia diguana dalam apa jua soal kehidupan termasuk pemerintahan, ekonomi dan sebagainya..

di sini bermaskud bukan kena pastikan ada kena letak nama islam, baru dikatakan ia adalah dari islam..tak perlu.. yang paling penting segala yang membawa kepada kebaikan dan kesenangan kepada semua jelasnya ia sudah termasuk dalam apa yang disarankan islam..Mudahkan ..

ttp dlm soal kelompok islam nama sahaja, ttp perlakuan,pemikiran yang jelas langsung tidak selari dg apa yang disarankan islam itu..tak payah panggil islam lah...

sifirnya mudah dlm soal ini..islam itu mudah,senang,dan praktikal untuk semua..tak kira bangsa,agama dan tempat..Namun bila masalah2 timbul seprti yang disebutkan di atas, seperti nama,dan lain2 soal remeh yang tiada berkaitan akidah itu, yang silapnya ADALAH PENGANUTNYA..mereka yang SONGSANG dari apa yang disarankan Oleh agama islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi kita yang jelas sngt universal dan tidak rigid, di masa yang sama nabi telah membawa ,masyarakat dan negara pada masa itu ketahap yang paling gemilang dlm masyarakat yang berbilang bangsa dan puak..


seperkara lagi..

ezreen u administrator for federationofbloggers.blogspot.com right..

i nak mitak u remove account lama i(deniel_145@yahoo.com), bcoz i dah tak guna account tu.

.n plz registerkan account baru i guna email ni : deniel_roslan@yahoo.com


Ez the Conspirator said...

agreed with you deniel.

jangan ada confuse2 lagi.because i pun actually tak faham kenapa orang anti dengan perkataan "liberal" tu.

nanti i add u balik,ok?

hik hik razor take your sweet time hik hik!

LeeSlimShady said...

Ezreen sayang.....

mmang ada orang cakap Islam Liberal....Islam Hadhari,Islam Fundamentalis...

tapi islam yang sebenar adalah Islam yang di pimpin oleh Nabi Muhammad Rasullulah...

Betul tak sayang.....