PKR defacto leader,Datuk Seri Dr Anwar Ibrahim has sworn in front of Speaker of People Assembly,Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia at 10.00 am MST(12.oo am Calgary time).Datuk Seri Dr Anwar Ibrahim then signed pledge of alliegence to stay loyal to Malaysia.Anwar then been chosed as Opposition Leader by all Pakatan Rakyat MP.
May he on the next session, will swear in Istana Negara as the sixth Prime Minister..... God bless Malaysia and its rakyat.
tekanan dan keletihan pilihanraya sangat berbaloi. its worth for me to be part of the 'petugas' in permatang pauh.
cepatlah balik, kita sama2 melangkah ke putrajaya...
ladymariah:hey i dah jadi warga negara sini la.i'm already canadian,i can't vote anwar ibrahim in future,i have to vote stephen dion.hik hik!
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