Thursday, September 18, 2008

AIG bailout:Is Corporate America Near to Bankruptcy?

American Insurance Group,or simply known as AIG,today has asking for US$85 billion from Federal Reserve Bank,after the biggest drop at Wall Street since 1930s depression period happens yesterday.

I always heard a quote "when America sneeze,the rest of the world catch cold",(Malaysia will facing pneumonia anyway),and believe me,this is serious thing.Stock markets across the world are facing bear signs since couple months ago,and big companies such as AIG,Yahoo,Merrill Lynch,Exxon Mobil,and lot's more,are facing serious loss,and some of them are facing bankruptcy.

And electing Stephen Harper,will kill Canada economy.I tell you,seriously.His tendency to lean with US economy which he thoughts "the biggest economy on earth" will not only kill Canada economy,but it will took several years to recover.Stephen Harper meanwhile keep optimistic that US economy will recover soon.Oh bullshit,the biggest drop since 1930s?You must be kidding me Mr Harper.

While Abdullah Badawi,because of his ignorant attitude,were became a chicken when he 'switch' job with Najib.Najib will face "the hell of economy" and he don't have any ideas of it.Abdullah Badawi is definitely "chicken" to face severe economic crisis.

Two stupidest character in politics I ever know.Abdullah Badawi and Stephen Harper-both Prime Minister,both ignorant about economy.
Meanwhile,did Man United's fan realize that their favorite team corporate sponsor are nearly bankrupt?Switch to Celtic then..hik hik!


Cob Nobbler said...

suruh la kurnia insurans pulak taja MU..huhu!

nyzm said...

hekk eleh jap lagi kicap jalen datang taja MU