Friday, July 4, 2008

Bread and circuses from Be End's government to Malaysians.

The Roman political machine,during Ancient Roman times,has bring people's voice and power to the authority,by simply gave the public bread and circuses.

What is bread and circuses anyway?

A satire from Roman poet Juvenal has wrote;

.. iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli
uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim
imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se
continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat,
panem et circenses. ...
(Juvenal, Satire 10.77-81)
or translation from Latin;

... Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man,
the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time
handed out military command, high civil office, legions - everything, now
restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things:
bread and circuses.
Now,in Malaysia,there's a new form of bread and circuses was formed to reaching people's support to Barisan Nasional.The new form of bread and circuses such as Akademi Fantasia,Malaysian Idol,Sure Heboh,Juara Lagu and the list goes on.My dad was a Petronas engineer,so he used to be invited to ministry invitations,especially when minister arrives from oversea.And the cost is,I guess you already can guess how much money had been spent.

There's a lot of gathering,telling off that what government had done for the public,giving us prosperity,and we [Malaysians] must not take for granted from our stability in this country.I used to listen that.Government will take care of you,don't worry.Such that assurance.

Now I must told you,this bread and circuses method to get voted is something-disgusting.As a government,your job is to govern,to took care of the people,not to entertain them.Not to make them blind and stupid enough to think,and this is the way BN's government played as God here,

kita harus bersyukur dengan kestabilan politik di dalam negara ini,kita tidak ada peperangan,negara kita aman dan makmur.Malaysia Boleh!Cemerlang Gemilang Terbilang!"

This is totally bs.

We can say our country is stable politically if there's a freedom of mind of the public,in the same time there's no war and chaos in Malaysia.If you put an example,Switzerland,that's what we call,
stable politic.450 years of peace,where all people can tolerant with what so ever thoughts,freedom to think,freedom to speech,no thought police around,no propaganda,and no bs speech from the leaders.It's all about facts,facts,and facts.

Now I've been living in Canada for 3 1/2 years,yet I never heard from my tv that we should love our government etc.All I ever heard is,"Love Your Canada".Not "Love Your Liberals" or "Love Your Conservatives" or "J'aime Bloc Quebecois"(French:I love Quebec Bloc,a party in Quebec).

Now,accusations from some UMNO supporters towards me,that I've been unpatriotic,ungrateful and "Melayu Mudah Lupa"(Easy-to-Forget Malays).If I were Malaysian now,my allegiance is to Malaysia,not to UMNO or Barisan Nasional.This is the things that we have been thought in school,especially when bread and circuses were been given by government to people.

If you join Pemuda UMNO or if you were girl,I'm not sure what wing it is,you will get money,lot's of stuff,and some freebies,maybe you can see Siti Nurhaliza concert live,and so does some Malay who always think about

I don't want to be proles,and I don't want to be stupid to think that this is what Barisan Nasional has took care to their people.

I am what I am.My point of view doesn't mean I'm not patriotic.Malaysians,open your eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dah lama dah sayep boycott benda2 macam ni..orang x sedar je..