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She bought her new Jeep Patriot for Christmas,and now she plans to drive from Calgary,to West Coast of Vancouver,then going to Edmonton,head straight to London to meet Aril,and going to East to Halifax,then drive back to Calgary.
She will finish her tour in 3 weeks.(hopefully..)
Of course,typical Liverpool fan will never walk alone.She will drive that Liberty with another Liverpool freak,Adryan.
Citra and me laughs it out loud when both decided to do this.
First thing when she got this in her mind,and shout it out loud,my mind says,"you got to be kidding..."
Well,I'm prefer to sit home in this -11 degrees.
Bon Voyage Mary!
7,011 miles=11,283 kilometre.(shaking my head and I don't know how many times I did that).p/s:If both of you can't survive on this project,I suggest both of you to drive to the closest cargo airport that you can,and pack your car home to Calgary.Haha!

Jeep Patriot II Liberty.
Rupanya kenderaan ini adalah lambang kemewahan, kemegahan, ke'salute'tan
Sehingga kini aku kagum dengan calon PM kita yang boleh beli Eurocopter tanpa pandu uji boleh terus tengok di katalog dan terus beli begitu je.
Bak kata Anwar"Orang nak beli Proton 'second-hand' pun patut kena pandu uji
Hahaha..ni mesti terpengaruh dengan Long Way Down ni..hhahaha!!!
gila luas Canada nak redah macam tu huhuhuuu!!
kenapa u cakap gila pulak
sedangkan nami pun pernah naik basikal pergi kajang
p/s:cheras pun tak lepas,dah penat haha!
dari duduk terbeku dalam rumah dengan suhu -11,baik jalan2
bon voyage mary!
Mary Shane
Mary Shane
What a beautiful name
Mary Shane
Mary Shane
Let us support PAS for glory and fame
All do we care is to turn Malaysia into Islamic State !
Yeah. Bring back Hudud Law!
Then we will ban Yoga and so on..
So then a blogger from Canada will have much things to write.
This poem is called 'Grumbling'. Grumbling forever.
Grumbling until Pak Lebai comes to you.
Selamba Menerpa:Orang gila je beli kereta guna minyak banyak macam Jeep Patriot ni.
Nami:Long Way Around la.ada pulak Long Way Down..
Sue:Tak nak la buat benda macam tu.Lagipun ada banyak lagi kerja nak buat.
master:Mary Shane is not my name.It's my best friend name.PAS people never stop to talk and talk about religion,dividing people and did not accept the concept of egalitarian.What I can say is,PAS is equal as UMNO.Any words master?
Eh ada la Long Way Down..Long Way Around mula2 tu,dari London ke New York...
Long Way Down dari Scotland ke South Africa..ape laa..
Eh ada ke Long Way Down?
Travel-travel macam ni memang la best,tapi penat la.Berminggu-minggu,berbulan-bulan.Kalau pergi Vancover pun dekat 3 hari baru sampai.
Long Way Around dulu best,singgah Calgary lagi hik hik!
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