Thursday, December 4, 2008

Girl Power!

Women,represents by half of mankind population,is always been ignored and snubbed by egoistic men.In our history,we became sex-slave,prostitute,been murdered,and most of relationship,been fooled by crooked men.I do not tell everyone that I hate men,but most of the time,that we,daughters of Eve,is always be the victims by ego and crooked men.

There's a speech about men and their "nature born to lead",which definitely I deny these speech.They was saying,"only men can lead,and women only breed",and thinking us as a baby machine,and we shall not accept that only men deserves to lead.

I called these men:ego-centric,selfish and ignorant,about the true power of women.Women gave birth to all people on this Earth,and mothers gave birth to all of us.And I knew,without men there's no such thing as babies,because they provides chromosome and we provide eggs,to gave birth.I'm going biological words today,but these ignorant men,always forget that women also has a right to think,and to say.

Today,we celebrate our marvelous women,from Rosa Parks,to Hillary Rodham Clinton.From Queen Elizabeth to Joan of Arc,from Margrethe Thatcher to Angela Merkel,and from Queen Isabella of Spain to Condoleeza Rice,we are not weak.We are stronger than men.Because we gave birth to them,and we demand them to respect us!

Perhaps those muftis and ulamak that proclaims that women can't lead,perhaps they should think this.What if women say no to them to drink our milk?What if women say no to gave birth to them?

In Canada,women only can vote since 1916 when Manitoba allows us to vote.1916?Canada independence is 1867.

I believe in my ability,not because I'm women,or whatever race or religion.I work hard for my ability,and no one,not even mufti or those mullahs can stop me.And today I shout out loud,GIRL POWER!BECAUSE WE ARE STRONGER THAN MEN.

And all of you men,instead of ego,they should improves themselves,to be a better men.

"There's no such thing as best man wins anymore nowadays,it's best person,wins!"-Hillary Clinton on her speech against Obama.


Cob Nobbler said...

kami ni pembuli ke?err..

RY said...

kenape ade je x puas hati ngan kami?


Malaysia Tanahairku said...

Sibukla gril power.

Lelaki boleh, hidup lelaki.

Kami lelaki boleh buat apa yang perempuan boleh, beranak?

Boleh jugak isi perut dengan angin keluarla angin keluarla....

Ez the Conspirator said...

You're sounds so gay,Jantung Hati.

Mesti you tak pernah ada girlfriend langsung,kan?

Nami,I x cakap semua.I cakap lelaki2 yang ego ni.

Cuba you dengan Razor tengok Federation of Bloggers,statement si Hafiz,I tak kisah kalau lelaki nak jadi leader,tapi kalau lelaki tu bagus takpe,ni lelaki tu,kalau asyik menyusahkan hidup perempuan je,nak jugak ke jadi leader?

Ez the Conspirator said...

Eja girl power pun tak tau.

Unknown said...

girl power is the quality of the woman-quote by me

bak kata e,lelaki tau fuck je BUT tak semua macam tu
masih ada yang bertanggungjawab lagi

Shaiful Mukhelas said...

Hey girlfriend,

I hear that ... HOLLA!!!! Girl Power!!!!

Teringat zaman I fanatic Spice Girls masa kat secondary school dulu .. ahakzzz .... signature I siap ada word 'Spice' gittew ... tanyelah Nami and Hafiz :D

nyzm said...

kami akan terus berusaha hahaha

Anis Nabilah said...

yes its true that woman gives birth,
without at men you can't give a birth :)
but, i still agree with you though, that some mens are not responsible