Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remember Eleventh of November..Armistice Day.

Thanks for my beloved friends and my blog followers for praying my health during my ankle surgery,last Sunday.I'm recovering and hopefully,my ankle will be alright.

Today,11 November,is 90th Anniversary of Armistice Day,or in US,it's called Veteran Day.Armistice Day is the day that peace has win over the cruel first world war that killed almost 25 million Europeans.

To celebrate today 90th anniversary,countries that involved on this war--direct or indirect,declares today as public holiday.Canada also helped the Allied against German,Turks and Austria-Hungary for this epic war to be ended.

Today,on 11th hour,of 11th day of 11th month,the war ended,the peace installed--at least for a while.Then Hitler came and declare war,for once again.

For what we declare war?Is that for our pride,for our religion,our race,or simply for supremacy and awe for those who not on our side?Some of my friend declares "the khilafah need to be installed for Muslim supremacy in the world".

Guys,we belong together.Black,white,Asian,Caucasian,African,Muslim,Buddhist,Jew,Christian,Orthodox,

We all belong together.

Last Saturday morning I've watched Arsenal vs Manchester United,and I saw poppy flower at Arsenal's jersey,so does Celtic when the Bhoys against Motherwell.

This is tribute to all army that fought to win liberty and freedom.Freedom that we share,freedom that we all belong.As one single human race.

I don't agree when Zionist blows up Arabian head,so does when Hamas blows some Jews head.It will be never ending story.

Extremist should realized that this is not the way to preach your religion.Evangelist,mullah,and Zionist--all of them must stop this war,because we can't simply move to Mars if this Earth full of nuclear chemicals,and people dying because of poverty and war.Instead buying guns and bullets,we should spend that money to agriculture to grow more food,to art for make people happy,and for medicine,to heal people that suffers.

Just like what my late sister Sherina said,"We don't need guns and weapons to protect us,we can protect each other with love."

Now,with poppy flower,I carry this message around the world,for peace and humanity,regardless race,religion or gender.

People of the world,unite!


Cob Nobbler said...

Nampaknya you sudah mula nampak konsep sosialisme dengan lebih baik,kan?

Betul la tu,kan?kalau takde org explain,sume anggap sosialis tu macam soviet union,macam korea utara..

u dulu anggapan camtu,teruk laa...

nyzm said...

Owen Hargeaves injured satu season

Malaysia Tanahairku said...

Peristiwa menyayat hati, kalau benarla perkara ni dilakukan oleh al-Qaeda pimpinan Obama Bin Laden, sebagai orang beragama sama dengan Osama, penulis rasa malu dan kesal sebab bimbang orang Islam dilabel pengganas.

Namun itu bukan alasannya G.W.B. nak serang negara Islam Afganistan, Iraq dan terus biarkan umat Islam di Palestin dibuli Zionis. Kita terus berharap bakal Presiden AS Obama akan bela keamanan seluruh manusia di dunia. Mintak-mintaklah

Penulis harap saudari dapat baca rencana dalam link di bawah dalam link

bagi menjawab soalan saudari.

Shaiful Mukhelas said...

Ezleen darling,

I seram la baca ur Federation blog tu ... sumernya about Islam. I bukan aper, nnt kan kalau I tulis about fashion, skali letak all the semi-nude shots tak ker I kener fire nanti sayang? Ooh, mak x rela u ols!!!!

Hmm, nanti la kalau pak2 aji berkopiah, berketayap whatever tu dah blah for good, I will write something on your blog kay darling. Btw, biler nak turun KL? If you're flying over I can take you as my guest to all the best parties in town ...

Pastu kita g Luna Bar or Sky Bar, open a bottle of Moët and dance the whole night long hahahahaha ... kalau u nak custom-made dresses, I'll arrange with my designer friends. Don't worry, harga won't cekik darah punyer hehehehehe!!!!

So ok la, send my love to the entire Canada ... tell them the new Anna Wintour will be flying there soon ... just watch out hahahahaha!!!!



“Sesiapa yang mempertahankan maruah kehormatan saudaranya nescaya Allah akan menjaga wajahnya dari seksaan api neraka di hari kiamat”.

(Hadis riwayat Tirmizi).