Mahathir:The force is strong with you,Najib.
Finally the dark side has come back.Like Darth Sidious,he has waiting for a long time to reign his Sith empire.His apperentice,already follow what he had done some 11 years ago,and together,they will set the Empire.
Mahathir,The Dark Lord of Sith,has return back to politics.At 85,he is strong as ever,after a long hiatus,hiding his agenda to rule,once again.Power doesn't recognize age.His counterpart in Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe,still want to rules Zimbabwe for at least another 10 years,although he is 83 years old.
Of course he will not be a figurehead like he used to be.He will use his proxy,his famous words against Jew in year 2003.His proxy,already done something that he used to do-bailout companies,to support them,to reign their power.
Like Sidious and Vader,they must end up all of their enemies in the party first.In March,all Pak Lah's team will be head off,and after strengthen the party with their own army,they will enforce the law by deny all voices of Opposition.Pakatan Rakyat states will suffer after this.Believe me it will.People finally detested with Pakatan,and finally come back to Barisan.
Besides,people in Pakatan states,like Selangor,Perak or Penang,are not put their alliegence toward Opposition before.They just vote Pakatan because they hate Pak Lah sleeping in his office.But now,if this Sith Lords once again rule Putrajaya,Selangor,Perak or Penang,or even Kedah will no problem vote for Barisan.

You don't know the power of the dark side.
Once again,Mahathir will rule Malaysia.He already set up his think tank,and together with Najib and his son,Mahathir will be powerful,again.
baru seketika berforum dgn mahathir di varsiti. mendengar ayat yang mulai tidak keruan angkara kisah terdahulu yang masih tersimpan....
seminggu lps, aku sempat join forum Tun di UKM 2..sempat juga aku 'umpan' Tun satu persoalan tentang kepimpinan datuk lah yang mcm siput kena gastrik ni.
isu kerajaan yang lemah aku umpankan, lantas Tun ni smash teruslah..jgn diberi peluang kat tun, semua dia guna untuk srng datuk lah..
ksimpulanya wlndah tua Tun ni, dlm firasat aku sepanjang forum sekitar 2 jam tu, baik juga kasi dia jadi PM lagi. sbb yg aku 'suspect' n respest time forum tu kat dia, bnyk dia akui kesilapan lama dia time pegang goverment..
kan bagus kalau tun dah benar2 sedar, n apa yg dia ckp tu ikhlas =). cuma aku risau, ayat org politik ni, mmg manis nak didengar, tp pahit untuk ditelan..
*sempat aku kucup tangan TUN tu, wlpn dulu aku kutuk2 dia habis-habisan, namun bagiku bukan semua dia buat tu salah..yang betul tu ada jg...pembangunan negara..tp pembangunan kroni pun berjaya juga =)
Merujuk kenyataan M.Nasir pada tahun 1996 "Siapa Mahathir?"
At least zaman Mahathir dulu rakyat tak kebuluran macam sekarang ni.
Dia banyak jasa pada negara,aku lagi rela Mahathir pegang Malaysia lagi.
Dia mungkin tak perfect,zalim or dictator,tapi sekurang-kurangnya purata kenaikan harga minyak ngan barang x sekerap dol ni..
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