I've watched the latest Jerry Bruckheimer's movie with Rasheed after lunch yesterday-Confessions of a Shopaholics.Anyway it's about a woman(Isla Fisher-which is currently Borat the Kazakhstan Sacha Baron Cohen wife) who addicts to shop,and from her addiction,she got a job,as a fashion critic of a magazine.Pull stop,I don't want to spoil the story.
Well,shopaholics is a problem.I was a shopaholics too.I guess my brought-ups in Milan spoils me.Teatro Alla Scala,Galleria Vittorio,near Piazza del Duomo,it's a shopping haven.Gucci,Prada,Louis Vuitton,Dolce Gabbana,you name it,it's near my doorstep.During when I was in Malaysia,Bukit Bintang is my roaming center.Edge to edge,floor to floor,I already conquered it.Bags of new clothes,it's my way to kill my depression.And it's killing my wallet as well.
To be honest,I don't care about anything at all,and flash back when I 6-7 years back,I think I'm such a bimbo.I don't give a damn about global poverty although I know it,but looking at that time when I was in love with a socialistas who loves bundles second hand shop,I asked him I don't know how many times,"what is your satisfaction by buying clothes that people already wore?
Yes,his answer makes me yawned.At that time.I swear to God I don't give a damn about poor people.They are poor so what?Should I be as poor like them,oh please.That was my answer at that time.
Things a lot happen to me and makes me more wiser,I guess.Yes I admitted I was a smart dumb girl at that time,but I don't know,when I arrived in this boring steppe city of Calgary,where people wearing cowboys dress and jeans,and pretending to be cool,sometimes people here thinks that their dress-ups is so damn cool and want to showing off with me,hello,I'm brought up in Milan.My school dress are far far stylish then your casual dress,please!
But anyway,it's just clothes.You didn't look nice or bad,it's just your psychology.I don't know,people tell me Lady GaGa is stylish,I look her like a rubbish,in my eyes.I don't know,people says Katy Perry is stylish,but for me,I don't like her striking colors fashion.
Somehow I felt a simple shirt and pair of jeans with Converse shoes will be great.A transformation to be rock chic,right?Hik hik!
If you had a girlfriend like me,please,advice her.Or she'll waste your money away.
Don't let your credit card wasted you!
Haha this movie is not suitable for global economic crisis right now!
It's suitable movie Adryan!You need lesson to be learned..
How's Ottawa?Pretty cool huh?How's your voting process?
It's about you,right?
Tak tengok lagi cerita tu.Nasib baik tak spoil hahaha!
Itu semua donia belaka...
Kelak nanti bile meninggalkan bumi ini, takde dah Gucci, Prada or apa nama...semua pakai selimut putih ja
it's about me long long time ago okay?not now!
itulah.tapi i pernah ada thought,kalau nak mati pun,mati dengan style.because let's say accident ke,orang yg urus jenazah mesti kata,"kenapa la dia pakai baju buruk sangat" hehe!
now,i don't care much about my dress.all i care is selesa or not. :)
I was just like you formerly (minus brand conscious, he he..).
after having 2 children I toned down a lot on shopping activities (for myself).But, dah jadi gila shopping utk anak2 punya stuff la pulak....
I need a rehab :)
Saudari Yang Chantek,
Pakcik dah tua - pakai baju bundle ni sejak tahun 70an lagi dah - zaman tu pakcik pun tak hidup lagi - tu zaman ayah pakcik muda - zaman seluar semua bootcut bootleg bellbottom and what so ever - opps, pakcik tak reti spik inglis - dulu sekolah pakcik suka mainmain - kamu di sana jaga diri baikbaik - suruh Rasheed jaga kamu mcm Rasheed jaga mak dia - hehehe
Pakcik Yang Baik.
Can I suggest the best rehab is?
Meet Teh Tarik Gelas Besar and hear his lecture about global capitalism hik hik!
Pakcik Tua Yang Baik,
Hik hik harap2 dia jagalah I.Because usually I yang jaga dia.hik hik!
hye Ez.. salam kenal.. entry yg menareks =)
I baru g tgk muvi neh malam rabu lepas..
citer nye menareks.. mmg btul.. ada sesetengah org yg brand conscious.. but for me.. citer neh wat I sedar yg kredit kad tuh mcm kanser yg merosak kan diri kita.. wahahaha.. takutnya... seb baik la I neh jenis yg main beli je baju asalkan chantek di mata walopon x de brand.. hiksss.. kadang2 mata I neh membantu jugak waktu shopping bila I tgk baju2 branded tuh sgt x chantek di mata I dan x berkenan di hati I.. ouhhhhhhhh.. seb baik leh control psychology otak sendiri..phewww =P~
Riben Merah,
Kadang2 kelakar kan,kita beli baju sebab label but not the whole baju.Baik beli je sekeping label tu,kan?
I dulu memang macam tu jugak.Luckily dah berubah.
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