When Aril my brother,a staunch Manchester United's fan create a joke about Liverpool's Hillborough 1989 tragedy(which he call it as "crashed in the sardine tin"),Adryan wasted no time to create this banner.Adryan told me that "statement on pictures are stronger than by words".
Pictures says the thousand words.So United fans,get ready to be humiliated(because your stupid idioticity and arrogance,and disrespect others).

Click for enlarge.
Kurang ajar la tu!Kutuk sikit terus nak buat banner kurang ajar!
Liverpool pun hutang jugak!
Along,kurang ajar dibalas kurang ajar.It's a karma,ok?
Besides,2 decades of arrogance in English football,I guess this is should be the end,right?
I prefer Scottish.Scotland be independent!Viva Alba!
At least Adryan tak bukak mulut pasal Munich pun,right?
he he...
Good one Ez...XOXO
"You'll Never Walk Alone"
- yea bebeh!
Aril,bad people receive bad karma okeng?
'scotland is free' - sir william wallace.
kat calgary ada bagpiper tak?
harsh but better than got dumped in the group stage eh
welcome back ez! (;
oh u are a fan of celtic ya?
who knows, someday the BPL proposal would go through, so sama sama kita bole tengok our teams compete together,ok?
P.S: I think the best moment for celtic was during the era of Larsson isn't it?
as the reds go marching on on on! Im on your brother's side :D
Sis Maria,
Walk on,walk on,with hope in your heart,and You'll Never Walk Alone!
Sir William Wallace is Scottish national hero.I salute him so much,and of course,if you watch Braveheart,you'll despised England even more.
Scotland is free!
I'm not a gloryhunter.So what if my team is eliminate on group stage?I'm half Irish and Celtic is a part of my anchestor.
You sokong United bukannya lahir kat Manchester pun.Bandwagon.
The best era of Celtic was 1967,when Celtic won quadriple of Premier League,FA Cup,League Cup and Champions League.No clubs could ever done that since then.
You nak back up apa MU ni.650 million pounds of hutang.Nami dengan I dah start kutuk-kutuk dah..hik hik!Nami pada I ada strong reason kenapa dia kutuk United's system sekarang,sebab dia penyokong jenis lama and lagi satu,he is a socialist.Dia mana suka player harga mahal2 ni.
I think so la,kan Nami.Eh Nami,kenapa tak comment2 lagi?
Anonymous,takde la bagpiper.Sebab kebanyakan Scottish anchestor ramai kat belah Atlantic Canada.Belah sini banyak cowboys je.Yang jenis redneck-redneck tu.
Smart kan tengok they all tiup bagpipe dengan tartan kilt dorang..
I'm supporting Scottish independence.
England penjajah.Dulu jajah pakai tentera sekarang jajah pakai EPL.
William Wallace otai tu,teringat dalam cerita Braveheart,
haha!best cerita tu.
LUHG.Love United,Hate Glazer.
That's why I rather to see United lost because I hate Glazer.I want the old policy - bring back local lads!
FIFA 6+5 please!
This is kinda love-hate affair Nami,aigh?
Dorang kutuk-kutuk you sebab you tak nak United menang Champions League,Premier League,FA Cup...
You nak terus kekal local lad,susah la nak market.Mana ada English lads yang muka macam Ronaldo.Susah la nak cakap dengan socialistas macam you,asyik fikir benda yang orang lain tak fikir je.hik hik!
I sokong Celtic because I'm half Irish,plus,I tak terjajah minda macam some people ni.I suka William Wallace.Scotland is free!
so are you saying that you have to be born and bred in that particular place the club is to support them?
well,from where i come from,you are entitle to support whoever you want to.malaysia that is.
and no,im not saying you are a glory hunter.
assalamualaikum.. really funny pic.. can be a good campaign for Mastercard.. dun worry bout the fans, juz do whateva u feel right ok Ez..
i pun bagpiper jugak.pakai kilt.
kadang2 busking sorang2.=)
nami jom busking,kau main gitar aku main bagpipe.ok?
I still support Malaysian national team.The only I didn't support is Sultan Ahmad Shah.
Once again,honesty is the best policy.
You are so William Wallace!So cool!hik hik!
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