"First you must respect your mother.Second you must respect your mother.Third you must respect your mother.Fourth you must respect your father."
-Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
This Sunday is Women International Day.Far and wide,all around the world,we women are victim of discrimication,and prejudice from patrymony system,who always upheld men ego(not men itself).We often being viewed as "baby-machine","sex-slave",and "slave-in-the-house".There's always be "housewife" but no such thing as "househusband".
The stigma and prejudice of men ego(not men itself) toward the movement of feminism and Girl Power is because some people can't accept changes that women right now were able to think and to lead too.Some fatwa and religious orders said that women shall not lead,let men handle the whole world.
Stupidity and idioticity nowadays are leading with their arrogant and stupid ego against our effort to liberate ourselves.We often being viewed as weak,soft,emotional and cannot lead.
Most of the domestic violence are led by men,drunked husband wacks his wife,bashing his wife and some even worst,they're beat their wives until bruising and bleeding.What went wrong here?Where is Adam promise to Eve "to love and take care of Eve"?Where is it?

Now,I'm a person who does not believe fatwa against women to be a leader.I simply don't believe because the quality is not based on gender,because in my observation,a woman can lead her children,no matter how many,but a man simply cannot follow her daughter.A woman can teach her son to do man things,but I don't think a man can teach her daughter to do woman things.
I never disgraded men.I respect my father.He is the class of his own.He always open up the door for my arwah mom,the house door,car door.He always be romantic,and he treat my mother so well that until my mother die,she's saying that she never regret marrying my dad.I believe there's a few men with that quality,but majority of men selfishly defend their ego and pride on their hegemony.
When Megawati Sukarnoputri became the President of Indonesia,some says she cannot be a President because she's a female.Some against Hillary Clinton because she's a female.And some disrespect Crown Princess of Masako of Japan because she gave birth of Princess Aiko,a female.Why against us,men?
My arwah mom always taught me,to be strong.She didn't want women to be viewed as weak and soft.My arwah sis Elly,she might look weak,but she had a strong emotion and strong attitude to survive with her disease.
I'm proud to be women.And I hope all women around the world,be proud because we giving birth to civilization.We giving birth to all mankind.
Happy Women International Day.8 March.And Happy Birthday to me on March 9th!
Girl Power!
Perempuan itu,
yang berlukut di tepi pintu,
Menanti-nanti tertunggu-tunggu,
Suaminya pulang hari tak tentu.
Perempuan itu,
Yang anaknya menangis lapar susu,
Beras,tepung dan sayur itu,
Habis dan runsinglah hatimu.
Bersabarlah wahai perempuan,
Tatkala menjadi mangsa keadaan,
Bersabarlah,kesatkan air matamu,
Kerana lahirnya aku di dunia,kerana kasih dan cintamu.
Salut kaum wanita sekalian.Salut!Hidup wanita,hidup cinta,hidup kita semua!
Yup,thanks Nami for solidarity.Salute!
I'm so proud to be a woman! And so proud of YOU! (and Nami too! :)
And to Nami - The poem is fascinating because its passions there. This poem empowers women. It feels emotional, spiritual, and makes a reader, particularly a woman, feel.
Have a great, happy day y'all!
Naper x de cuti ye hari pempuan ni?mmgle x de nti abis llaki sume protes he he
Tpi pmpuan mmg ade cuti yg laki x leh nk kacau yela cuti brsalin...
Mak aku msa dulu keja pastu brsalinkn kkak aku n aku pastu cuti smpai lani...
T kasih kpd sluruh emak nk bkal emak di sluruh dunia trmasuk Ezrin bile dia kawin dgn punky baru dia .
kirim slm kt punky baru
Lets fight against domestic violence!
**We're in 21st century, but women still treated like 'hamba'. Not all. But mostly, either direct or indirectly. :(
Happy Birthday dearest EZ...Have a great one today (March 9th) and may your wishes come true before you celebrate next birthday :D
Do take care :)
Please pick up Sisterhood Award from my blog :D
Well, Hepi birthday to u, Ez..
keep on da Girls Power and your Thought of Mass Destruction ya..
Happy Birthday Sis E! :D
Please refer the Quran about women being a leader if you confuse about the fatwa made by human...I love my mother but again please refer the Quran if you CONFUSE about this matter! Never totally used your own brain to make opinion...
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