p/s:i love "Just Because"."Bonita" is cool too!
I've read about Nami's entry about talent and capitalism in his latest article about Akademi Fantasia.I sincerely didn't against Akademi Fantasia or any Idols but I disagree with the concept-easy lane to be rich and famous.And somehow I agree with Nami's point-capitalism has sold these brat as "the new face of art",and I can feel his angst and disappointment.
By the way,don't simply dismiss Malaysian talents especially who those really talented.But I know Akademi Fantasia somehow didn't help us much in looking for good talent in Malaysia,and I know there's some frustration among "true artist" who fights for their lifes under the sun and high-rise.
But not all "true artist" will fight their life in a middle of sun and busking on the streets.And Shayna Zaid is one of them.A Malaysian talent,but established in Big Apple.New York City is welcoming her,a biggest and brightest star,but I'm quite disappointed why Kuala Lumpur and Malaysian dismissed her as a biggest and brightest star?
She is a phenomenon in NYC.And the way she sings-she sings with her soul.And I'm her biggest fan,and I'm claiming it right now!Shayna is the greatest Malaysian singer,like P Ramlee,Sheila Majid and Sudirman.She deserved to be on the top.
Somehow Shayna has proved that even Malaysian can be a big star in NYC.Capitalism or not,she's the biggest star.
I really hope there's one Shayna and one P Ramlee in Akademi Fantasia or Malaysian Idol.I really do.But hope will remain hope if Malaysians itself didn't educate themselves,what is talent and what is fake?
And let me tell you,Shayna Zaid is the true talent!

She looks great too!
Checking out, checking her tunes out now!
She has the STAR qualities! Thanks EZ for sharing...
lagu stay layan.
anyway shayna zaid reminds me to alanis morrisette.serious suara dia lebih kurang.
i suka just because.ntah,addictive la dia ni.hahaha!
Sis Maria,
She got quality of her own.The best Malaysian artist so far.
suara dia macam alanis?hik hik!addictive?memang la..hik hik!
i like her voice style.
Ezreen macam dah merajuk.....
bukan merajuk,tapi i tak boleh tolerate dengan orang yang x faham perasaan orang lain.
i bukan girl yang merajuk2 okay.i ada rasional buat macam tu.apa yang nami cakap tu betul,for me.
and my sis in law is javanese,indonesian.even i pun x pernah disgrade their culture.you kena faham tu.
respect dengan takut lain tau.
charming, beautiful voice..
i'd listened to her songs..
magnificent voice... like nami said, addictive...
oh... ez, i'd sent u my email through the FoB's email..
I told you right..semua dah suka dah..hik hik!
Shayna you owed me hik hik!
Sapa kata saya tak boleh tolerate..
cuma awak sahaja yang terlalu sensitif....
awak oang yang terpelajar...awak harus lebih banyak mengkaji dan memahami.....
lagi baik awak cepat - cepat kawin biar hilang rasa sensitif tu
terlalu sensitif?
hey lim,i invited you bukan nak buat provokasi okay?
kalau you rasa you ni some kind of intelligent genius,why don't you write your own blog?why you have to copy paste.
sorry,i cannot tolerate plagiarism.
I enjoy reading the comments. Such a relief.
Macam abang dengan adik gaduh. Hahah. Ni apa masalahnya ni? Meh abang Along selesaikan. Abang Along penyelamat dunia. Datang dengan bergaya, kasihan tengok adik-adik gaduh. Jangan gado-gado. Tak baik. Dosa.
Socialist ke, Capitalist ke, Facist ke, jangan gado-gado. Kita umat manusia.
Gado-gado nanti last-last jadi besfren. Susah. Kawan-kawan last-last jadi musuh. Lagi susah. Abang Along saja boring ni tak tahu nak tulis apa. Skang dah pukul 5.14 pagi.
Abang Along nak membantu macam Wonderpets datang membantu. Apa yang penting? - Kerjasama.
well,i ok je.
tak tau pulak ada orang berlagak intellektual kat sini cuba nak mendidik i cara-cara nak berblogger dengan tidak beremotional?
hello,i x faham la dengan orang2 yang nak tunjuk pandai ni.
anyway thanks master,
you memang abang yang baik.
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