Monday, September 22, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim,Friend of USA?

Well,I've opened up my email today,and I've received tonnes of mails(mostly spams,duh!),and suddenly,I'm attracted to open one email from anonymous,entitled "Anwar Ibrahim Agen Zionis di Amerika"(english:Anwar Ibrahim is Zionist agent in America).

So,after reading all the message from that email,I make a conclusion.I laughed.I laughed like hell.
According to the message,it's written "Anwar is linked with some Zionist figureheads,like Richard Perle,Paul Wolfowitz etc."

Hey,if I say,Wayne Rooney shaking his hand with Steven Gerrard,is that a sign Rooney are joining Liverpool?Or shaking hands with Frank Lampard,he's joining Chelsea?

Well,maybe it's not nice to say like that.How about Mahathir shaking hands with Jack Abramoff the Zionist lobbyist in Washington?How about this picture,an Israeli Star of David flag at UMNO-Putra World Trade Centre building.

After all,this doublespeak people needs to educate themselves,if you have a reason to hate Anwar,just because he is a friend of American figureheads,then you have to stop eating McD,KFC,Burger King,stop drinking Coke or Pepsi,stop buying Nike,Georgio Armani,stop watching Hollywood movies,or even to the extreme,don't even use Shell petrols.

Oh yeah,did I told you,that Najis Tun Razak when he was Defence Minister ordered Iranian company to shut down their exhibition of Military Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur after US complained about it?Or how about this pic?

What flag behind Najis Tun Razak?I believe it's not Japan,China,Vietnam,Iran,or Uzbekistan.It's UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Well,if Najis can be friend of America,why Anwar can't?



Cob Nobbler said...

Dorang ni memang doublespeak.Macam lecturer2 jugak.

Bila bercakap,"awak kena explore diri awak,gunakan idea2 awak seberapa banyak yang boleh.Sky is not a limit."

Bila cakap,kalau kita buat suka hati tanpa refer kat lecturer,pastu nak elakkan dari limit-limit HEP dengan undang2 universiti,

"Tak boleh la macam tu.Kita kena patuh dengan undang2.Kita kena dengar cakap org.Tak boleh la ikut suka hati je."

Orang2 malaysia ni banyak yang cakap doublespeak sekarang ni.

Anonymous said...

good 1, dear. hahaha. i wish i was out from this country. i can say anything 1 wanted.

suara kami terbatas di sini. sob. sob.

nyzm said...

hahaha bodoh punya najis!

Malaysia Tanahairku said...

Tak de modal lain ke BN ni asyik kutuk bend ayang sama je

Anonymous said...

kah,kah,kah....defense minister...for defense buy military ship and get 500 million...comisen...rakyat nganga mulut..itula najib skrg dah canggih menteri kewangan....lg byk la nampaknya rakyat nganga..!!